Serving the Maine Highlands since 1994, this is the website of the K1PQ (Piscataquis Amateur Radio Club) along with the N1BUG repeater. For our Repeaters, see the repeater page. This website is maintained by KB1YPZ. Any and all are welcome to post pictures, articles, news stories and the like. You may either request an Editor account (so you can DIY) or submit these items to the club president in the form of text files or pictures (pictures should be on a usb flash drive or other means of portable storage, as mail programs will limit the size of attached files) and bring to a meeting and let the secretary know and they'll bring the laptop.
2024-2025 Officers elected April 23, 2024 are as follows:
President: | Vice-President: Lloyd Frink - K2KJ
Secretary: David Holmchuck - KC1MPB | Treasurer: Clint King - KB1YPZ
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