This page serves as our download repository for club related documents and other files we think you may find useful. The downloads are categorized for easier use. Some are hosted directly by the K1PQ server (donated by W1KMC) or a secondary server (listed as to give us more file space. Hope you enjoy.

Programming Files ("Codeplugs")

Here is a small file to get new hams started with CHIRP programming software:
N1ME_CHIRP_Starter_File_2m-WX_20191215 (hosted by he Pine State ARC out of Bangor, ME)
It contains analog channels for the national 2m simplex calling frequency, two other general use 2m simplex frequencies (one PSARC uses during their Foxhunts), their 2m repeater access sites, a couple other local 2m repeaters, and the 7 NOAA Weather Radio frequencies (set for receive only). A valid amateur radio license is required for transmitting on any channels/frequencies in this file.

DISCLAIMER: The appearance of a website/download link on this page DOES NOT constitute an endorsement by anyone associated with the Piscataquis Amateur Radio Club (PARC). Any products or services provided by the owners of the listed websites/download files, either directly or through advertisers appearing on their website(s), are procured and used by the purchaser at their own risk and are not warrantied or guaranteed by PARC. These listings are provided merely for the convenience of the visitors to our website.