This page serves as a reference to other sites of interest (or that are referenced on other pages of this site) to be able to find them quickly and easily. If you find a link is broken or changed, contact W1KMC or another content editor to fix the link. we will routinely go through to verify a link still works.


ARES - Maine
Current home of the Maine ARES organization.
ARRL (American Radio Relay League)
The ARRL is a non-profit organization co-founded on April 6, 1914 and is the largest membership association of amateur radio enthusiasts in the USA.
ARRL - Maine Section
The website of the Maine Section of the ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League) and source for the Sunday morning bulletins heard on the 12 County Net at 9:30 AM Eastern time on the KQ1L link system (see the link to that site for details)
KQ1L Link System
The home of Maine's excellent KQ1L linked repeater system.
MARF - Maine Amateur Radio Foundation
The Maine Amateur Radio Foundation's purpose "is to support amateur radio throughout the state of Maine."
NESMC - New England Spectrum Management Council
NESMC is the NFCC certified frequency coordination body for amateur radio in ME, NH, MA, and RI. Look up coordinated repeaters, region specific band plans, and other information here.
Yankee SKYWARN® (Eyes on the Sky)
Yankee SKYWARN® program (WX1GYX) serving western Maine and Northern New Hampshire through the Portland/Gray, Maine National Weather Service Office (GYX).

02-Software & Tools

ARRL Online Net Directory
The ARRL Online Net Directory shows Amateur Radio nets that have been registered with ARRL Headquarters net directory database.
CHIRP is a free, open-source tool for programming your amateur radio. It supports a large number of manufacturers and models, as well as provides a way to interface with multiple data sources and formats.
EchoLink® software, designed by Jonathan Taylor (K1RFD), allows licensed amateur radio stations to communicate with one another over the Internet, using streaming-audio technology.
iCOM - Amateur Radio Products
Find information and download software for your iCOM amateur radio here.
Kenwood - Amateur Radio Products
Find information and download software for your Kenwood amateur radio here.
New England Repeater Directory
Volunteer maintained amateur radio repeater database for New England.
User maintained worldwide database of amateur radio repeaters.
RFinder - The Worldwide Repeater Directory
RFinder is the online repeater directory of the ARRL. They also offer an app for iOS and Android. Annual subscription is required.
Winlink is a worldwide radio messaging system using amateur-band radio frequencies built and administered by volunteers through the Amateur Radio Safety Foundation Inc.
Find information and download software for your Yaesu amateur radio here.

03-Digital Resources

DMR-MARC (Motorola Amateur Radio Club Worldwide Network)
Official website of the DMR-MARC worldwide network. Sign up for a DMR ID, find DMR-MARC repeaters, search and download user and repeater DMR IDs, and more through their website.
Maine DMR Website
Home of the Maine DMR repeater system.
N0GSG Contact Manager
A great utility by N0GSG for manipulating DMR codeplugs in ways most standard CPS programs don't support.
NEDECN - New England Digital Emergency Communication Network
An umbrella organization supporting amateur digital communications in New England through funding, training, emergency preparedness, and large event communications.

04-Canada & Beyond

IRG - International Repeater Group
Home of New Brunswick's International Repeater Group which maintains a LARGE linked repeater system throughout the province... that can be reached from much of Maine!
Maritime Amateur
A great source of amateur radio info for New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, and Newfoundland.
RAC (Radio Amateurs of Canada)
Radio Amateurs of Canada is a not-for-profit membership association with its headquarters in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It is a national organization, representing the interests of Amateur Radio all across Canada.
RAC - Atlantic Region
Home for the Atlantic Region of RAC.
RAC - Quebec Region
Home for the Quebec Region of RAC.

99-Website Visitor Submissions

All About Electronic Circuits for Kids
Submitted by Nicole from the Lyndhurst STEM Club for Girls
All About the Telegraph & Deciphering Morse Code
Submitted by a YL via Mom who found our site helpful in a school paper she was doing, and though we would like this artice on CW (Morse Code)
BlogPost: Amateur Radio and Emergency Communications
Website visitor submitted by his students researching Amateur Radio. Root site is for a PAID notification service, but the article is relevant to Ham Radio.
BlogPost: Disaster Preparedness on a Budget
Website visitor submitted by his students researching Amateur Radio. Root site is for getting coupons., but the article is relevant to disaster preparedness.
BlogPost: Residential Electrical Circuits Explained
submitted bu a site visitor for her STEM class in Vermont. She thought this may be useful to others. CREDIT:Corrine Hayes

DISCLAIMER: The appearance of a website link on this page DOES NOT constitute an endorsement by anyone associated with the Pine State Amateur Radio Club (PSARC). Any products or services provided by the owners of the listed websites/links, either directly or through advertisers appearing on their website(s), are procured and used by the purchaser at their own risk and are not warrantied or guaranteed by PSARC. These listings are provided merely for the convenience of the visitors to our website.

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